The Martian follows astronaut Mark Watney, unfortunately stranded by his crew on Mars after an intense storm. The best parts of the movie are scenes where Damon is alone, using both wit and grit to survive. Mars looks stunning too.
The ensemble includes, but is not limited to, Jessica Chastain, Jeff Daniels, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Kate Mara, Sebastian Stan, Sean Bean, Michael Pena, and Childish Gambino himself. For the most part, the cast is good, but they are not given too much to do. Kristen Wiig has a decently prominent role, and unfortunately she's miscast. Her character from Knocked Up just doesn't belong as a part of the NASA higher-ups.
Really though, The Martian is a Damon one-man show. I wouldn't be surprised if Damon is Oscar nominated for his work here. He is very funny, but extremely credible as a ripped astronaut and brainiac. Drew Goddard's script is heavy on science, light humor, and cultural references, but also makes sure to keep a strong plot moving. When Ridley Scott's on his A-game, it's hard to go wrong. The Martian is no Alien or Blade Runner, but it's certainly a glimmer in his recent output.
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